Gyvenant toli nuo gimtines ir gimtosios kalbos, uzspaudus ilgesiui ir jauciant gimtojo zodzio, trukuma, ko gero visus emigrantus nuo sio ilgesio gelbeja Lietuviskos knygos, deja jos sveria daug ir ne tiek daug ju isgali pasiimti su savimi isvykdamas svetur. Tiesa sakant, knygu leidejai turetu apie tai pagalvoti ir tiesiog populiariu knygu lleidimus isleisti taip vadinamu kiseniniu formatu, tada jos lydetu ir keliaujiancius ir iskeliaujancius.
Taciau si karta norejau pasidziaugti savo mazyciu laimejimu visiems Turkijos lietuviams. Dar praejusios savaites pabaigoje i visiems gerai zinoma KNYGU KLUBA, issiunciau prasyma, jog uzsienio saliu sarase atsirastu ir Turkija, kurioje mes ir gyvename ir kas be ko esame issilge skaitymo. Beje cia issilgusios lietuvaites (tie keli lietuvaiciai islike anonimiski) susikureme virtualia skaitykla keitykla, kuria ketiname naudotis ir keistis musu turima literatura lietuviu kalba.
Sia savaite is knygu klubo sulaukiau teigiamo atsakymo ir po keliu dienu, o tai yra siandien sekmingai uzsisakiau sau gimtadienio dovana, visa kruvele knygu lietuviskai. Taigi nuo siol ir mes Turkijoje turime galimybe atsisiusdinti knygu is LIETUVOS, aciu Knygu klubui.
P.S. Atsiprasau, kad siandien as svepla, tiesog nesusitariame su kompiuteriu paskutinemis dienomis.
It is difficult to live far from the homeland and mother tongue. A way to escape of the being blue as expat book is a good runaway. Unfortunately it weighs a lot and not so many are able to take with them while traveling or moving to other country. In fact book publishers should think about it and publish the bestsellers in so-called "pocket" format, and then the books in native language would travel together more often.
But this time, I wanted to share my small achievement that will be a benefit for all Lithuanians of Turkey. Last week at the end of all well-known book club KNYGU KLUBAS I have sent a request for including Turkey as a optional country where they are sending books by post. So as a result Lithuanians in Turkey can book and read in native language wherever they live in Turkey. By the way Lithuanians living in Turkey have created a book swap group, which we intend to use and exchange of our existing literature in Lithuanian language.
Today I ordered a birthday gift for myself a huge pile books in Lithuanian. So from now on Lithuanian residing in Turkey have a chance to order books from LITHUANIA without asking somebody to do a favor and send some books.
But this time, I wanted to share my small achievement that will be a benefit for all Lithuanians of Turkey. Last week at the end of all well-known book club KNYGU KLUBAS I have sent a request for including Turkey as a optional country where they are sending books by post. So as a result Lithuanians in Turkey can book and read in native language wherever they live in Turkey. By the way Lithuanians living in Turkey have created a book swap group, which we intend to use and exchange of our existing literature in Lithuanian language.
Today I ordered a birthday gift for myself a huge pile books in Lithuanian. So from now on Lithuanian residing in Turkey have a chance to order books from LITHUANIA without asking somebody to do a favor and send some books.
2 komentarai:
Labai džaiugiamės, jog mūsų klubo nariai aktyviai teikia pasiūlymus, kaip svetainę padaryti patrauklesnę ir naudingesnę vartotojams. Nuoširdžiai dėkojame, kad pasidalinote Turkijos lietuvių noru užsakyti knygas į šią šalį. Smagu žinoti, jog klubo narių turime ir tokioje tolimoje šalyje :)
KK svetainės administratorė
Sveika, knygu lietuviu kalba, gali skaityti ir parsisiusdama is interneto, arba tiesiog klausyti audio books lietuviu kalba...Nezinau kokia tavo dienotvarke, man sie variantai patinka, del to, jog klausyti lietuviskai igarsintu knygu gali masinoje, ausinuko pagalba tiesiog einant ir t.t.
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